Marine Project Manager

To provide participants with knowledge and skills of planning, execution, scheduling and cost control of a contracted job to ensure an integrated execution of the Marine project.
For Marine Managers and Section Heads involved in project management.
Over View
A project is any planned undertaking, whose end product must be defined in terms of anticipated profit and which involves control of the three essential elements cost, time and quality. In the Oil and Gas business the effectiveness of Project Management is highly important and very visible. The outcome of the implementation of large and mega Projects can have a dramatic impact on the overall bottom line of major companies and sometimes also the budget of benefitting host countries. Examples of major project failures are all around us and provide headline news. Cost overruns, major delays and major component flaws are result of lack of project definition exacerbated by ineffective project execution. Project stakeholders, including company shareholders and Government Agencies will scrutinize how
implementation is being performed.
Marine Project manager must have special knowledge of the special requirements and style of maritime industry.
The definition of the project is the key to overall success. The level of detail in defining project objectives, policies, priorities, organization and procedures should receive focused attention and approval of senior company officials. During the implementation of the opportunity the control of the result will become smaller as the project progresses. An effective control and review system should be in place to measure performance throughout the execution to allow corrective actions to be undertaken.
Managing Projects gives you the foundation, techniques and tools to manage each stage of the project life cycle, work within organizational and cost constraints, set goals tied directly to stakeholder needs, get the most from your project management team, and utilize state-of-the-art project management tools to get the work done on time and within budget.
Covering the entire project life cycle, this course is built around best practices currently used in today’s fast-paced business environment. During the course case studies on both offshore/onshore will be used to enhance understanding and allow practical application of the course content.
The course focuses on:
- LEARN the foundation, techniques and tools to manage each stage of the project life cycle
- Maritime law and regulations overview
- WORK within a marine organizational structure, ensure key personnel have the required competency and get the most from your team
- DEVELOP a project execution plan and get the authority to execute
- KNOWLEDGE on the maritime industry requirement for the development of key deliverables in the project phases
- Maritime Contract management
- CREATE and maintain a cost database to ensure budget control
- PRACTICE the preparation of a planning system as part of the execution plan
- LEARN How to set up a HSE and quality management systems with audit and review activities during the execution cycle with key controls
- AWARENESS of the importance of project changes and risks and managing their impact during execution

USQC is the leader organization providing training, consultative services, and third-party certifications and audits. In many industries we are the experts you need (i.e. Oil