The Best Organization for Safety & Quality
We pride ourselves on providing the most up-to-date content for our students to learn each course.
At the completion of the course, you will receive an initial certificate with no serial number. If you want to get the accredited certificate that is verifiableon both the USQC and the ASC website, please contact with the initial certificate as proof of course completion. You will receive the accredited certificate for free within...
The Initial Assessment Determines if the Mandatory Requirements of the Standard are being met and if the Management System is Capable of Proceeding to Stage 2.
This Second Assessment Determines if the Effectiveness of the System, and Seeks to Confirm That the Management System is Implemented & Operational.
at This Point in the process we Review any Corrective Actions Taken to Address Findings raised at Stage 1&2 . Certification may be Recommended.
The Organization's Files are Reviewed by any Independent & Impartial Panel & The Certification Decision is made.
Successful Certification is Communicated to The Client. Certificates are Issued.
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