
Basic Food Handling

Basic Food Handling & Hygiene for Food Training


Anyone who comes into contact with food needs to know how to handle food properly to prevent risk of food poisoning. Organizations around the world recognize the value of using basic food handling practices to minimize the risk of food contamination. The impact of food poisoning outbreaks linked to food companies greatly affects branding and repeat business.

This course provides delegates with basic knowledge and skills to identify and implement correct food handling techniques in order to reduce the risk of food contamination.

Who should attend?

Entry level positions in food service and manufacturing industries, such as:

  • Kitchen Staff
  • Service Crew
  • Production Operators
  • Waiting staff
  • Management

This training course is HRDF approved under the SBL scheme. On completion, you’ll be awarded an internationally recognized BSI Training Academy certificate.

What will I learn?

Upon completion of this training, delegates will be able to:

  • Explain the causes of food contamination
  • Describe the results of food contamination
  • Prevent food contamination by the use of good food handling practices
  • Describe bad hygiene habits and consequences
  • Explain potential risk associated with staff health status

How will I benefit?

  • Reduction in instances of poor food handling practices
  • Improved identification of food contamination risks as a result of bad hygiene habits
  • Reduction in poor personal hygiene habits
  • Improved understanding and compliance of company SOPs
  • Compliance with global best practice