
First Aid for teachers

First Aid for teachers

Duration: 1 Days

Who is it for?

This course is suitable for people aged 16+ who work in a school environment and wish to have the first aid skills to be able to act in an emergency. It is ideal for teachers and other school staff.

This course does not qualify the learner to act as a first aider for the workplace for the purposes of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. The skills covered can be used in the workplace to supplement your first aid provision.

Course content includes:

This course will give learners the first aid skills to help a child or adult who:

  • is unresponsive and breathing
  • is unresponsive and not breathing
  • is choking
  • is bleeding
  • has a burn or scald
  • is having an asthma attack
  • has a broken bone
  • is having a seizure
  • has a head injury.

The course will also look at basic accident reporting information.


On successful completion of this course, you will receive a first aid for teachers certificate which is valid for three years.


Our courses offer a practical, hands-on approach that delivers the skills and confidence to use first aid skills in a real life situation.

Learners must:

  • be physically able to carry out the practical elements of the course
  • attend all sessions to be eligible for assessment.