
Emergency First Aid at Work

Emergency First Aid at Work

Duration: 1 Day

Who is it for?

This course is suitable for people aged 16+ who work in low hazard environments (for example an office or shop) or where the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) / Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland (HSENI) guidelines indicate staff should hold a certificate in emergency first aid at work.

If your needs assessment identifies a requirement for additional first aid training, we recommend the three day first aid at work course which teaches the skills to recognise and treat a wider range of injuries and medical conditions.

Course content includes:

This course gives learners the skills to help someone who is:

  • unresponsive and breathing
  • unresponsive and not breathing, including the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED)
  • having a seizure
  • choking
  • bleeding heavily
  • suffering from shock
  • burnt.

It also includes information on:

  • dealing with an emergency:
  1. assessing a casualty
  2. monitoring a casualty
  3. where to get help
  4. electrical incidents
  • accident recording and reporting
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH).

Each learner receives a training pack including a host of resources to help them practice the skills covered. The pack includes a course companion workbook, bandages and more.


The HSE and HSENI require at least 18 training contact hours for this course. Learners must attend all sessions  to be eligible for assessment, which is done by continuous observation and questioning during the course.

On successful completion of this course, you will receive a first aid at work certificate which is valid for three years. For best practice, we support the HSE/HSENI recommendation to complete an annual first aid skills update.


Our courses offer a practical, hands-on approach that delivers the skills and confidence to use first aid skills in a real life situation.

Learners must be physically able to carry out the practical elements of the course.