
Complying with New Regulations – EU MRV and IMO DCS

Complying with New Regulations - EU MRV and IMO DCS

Price: 350$

Training course introducing the two data capturing schemes with regard to annual data collection and reporting



·         To introduce the two data capturing schemes with regard to annual data collection and reporting

·         To explain the details and specific requirements of the regulation

·         To highlight smart approaches for data handling and calculations

·         To identify the main challenges when working towards compliance

·         To foster an open discussion among participants on the most practical and efficient way to achieve compliance for their fleet


Entrance regulations

Knowledge of basic shipping and compliance topics; voyage schemes and ship to shore reporting; international and national regulatory bodies for shipping


Who should attend:

Technical superintendent, fleet manager, energy manager, environmental manager, HSQE manager, IT manager



0,5 days

The first deadline established by the EU MRV regulation 2015/757 was reached on 31 August 2017; consequently, shipping companies should have already submitted their first monitoring plan to an agreed verifying body. The regulation also states that from January 2018 all voyages to and from EU ports need to be monitored and reported in order to be able to prepare annual emissions reports, so there is still some work to be done. One year later, in January 2019, the IMO DCS (Data Collection System) comes into force as well, with similar but simpler scheme and requirements.
In this workshop you will get all your questions answered and be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the various options to achieve compliance.


The course focuses on:
  • Overview and timelines for the two regulations - EU MRV and IMO DCS (Data Collection System)
  • EU MRV monitoring plan and SEEMP Part II guidance and implementation
  • Resulting regulatory requirements related to your monitoring/reporting procedures and system
  • Choosing the optimal reporting solution –what tools exist and what solution would suit your operation?
  • The importance of collecting high quality data
  • Options for gaining added value out of the improvements towards compliance
  • Longer term outlook and consequences of EU MRV and IMO DCS